学费 & 费用



学费/费用 内的学生 州外学生
1-15学时 $152.每学分50元 $381.每学分25美分
15+学时 $2,287.每学期50 $5,718.每学期75美元
注册费* $15.00 /学期
学生服务费* $20.00 /学期(全日制和非全日制学生)
技术支持费用* $10.每学分00美元.
医疗保健计划费用* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)
实验室费用* 因课程而异. 最新的实验室费用可以在 课程表.
逾期登记费* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)


除了上面提到的直接费用, 根据个别课程和学习计划,可能会产生额外的间接费用. 我们的 出勤费用 佩奇为学生和他们的家庭提供了所有费用的合理估计, 无论是直接的还是间接的都与特拉华理工有关. 直接费用由学院支付. 间接费用不由学院计费,是平均费用. 他们会根据个人课程和学习项目的不同而有所不同. 总成本可能与提交的金额不同.



劳动力发展和社区教育课程的学费将按课程收费. 了解更多十大正规赌博平台大全 劳动力发展和社区教育 类.

任何学生支付的学杂费, other than a non-immigrant alien within the meaning of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the U. S. Code, who meets all the following requirements shall be paid at a rate or charge no greater than that imposed for students who are Delaware residents if such student:

  1. Attended a high school located within the State of Delaware for two or more years; and
  2. Graduated from a high school located in the State of Delaware or received a General Equivalency Diploma issued within the State of Delaware and
  3. 是否在取得高中文凭或普通同等文凭后的五年内申请入学.

A student without lawful immigration status shall also be required to file an affidavit stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, 或将提交这样的申请,只要他或她有资格这样做.

美国武装部队成员在34 C下重新入境.F.R. §668.18, 或任何替代法规, into the same program the student was admitted at the time of entry into military service shall be charged the tuition and fees that were in effect when the student left to serve, 除非先前金额的任何增加都由学生的服务成员教育福利支付. 美国武装部队成员在34 C下重新入境.F.R.§668.18, 或任何替代法规, into a different program than that which the student was previously admitted shall not be charged tuition and fees in excess of wh在学院 charges other students for the same program. 本规定的学费优惠仅适用于入学后的第一学年. 本政策中的所有条款应按照联邦法律的规定进行解释.


特拉华州60岁以上的居民可以免学费参加许多学分课程. 劳动力发展和社区教育 and Program/Major courses in the College's competitive admissions programs are excluded. 有资格获得这一特权的人不需要支付学费和注册, 晚注册, 学生服务费. 他们应支付所有书籍、用品和其他费用的费用. 此特权是在可用空间的基础上授予的. 由于可用空间有限, the senior citizen registration period for tuition-free courses begins one week before the 15-week session begins for fall and spring semesters and one week before the 12-week session begins for summer semester. 登记s submitted prior to the opening of the senior citizen registration period will not be eligible for a tuition waiver. Students are not eligible for the senior citizen tuition waiver for any courses for which they were registered prior to the start of the senior citizen registration period.


所有注册秋季,春季和夏季课程的学生将被评估为15美元.每节学分课程的注册费为00. 学生可以在不收取额外费用的情况下更改注册. 报名费概不退还.


修读学分课程的学生, 每个校区将收取全日制和非全日制学生每学期20美元的不可退还费用. 老年人免交这笔费用. 特拉华理工大学/特拉华大学艺术学位课程学生服务费是一样的.


费用各不相同——每个实验小时12美元,最多6小时或每门课程72美元. 有项目规定的例外情况,其中实验室费用可能少或多, 视项目需要而定. 工业教育课程实验费用视课程所使用的专业设备而定.


$10.每学期所有学时每学分00美元,以支持技术成本, 教学/课程材料, 和互联网电子邮件/访问所有学分.


Students enrolled in the College's healthcare credit programs on a full-time or part-time basis will pay a non-refundable 医疗保健计划费用 of $25 per semester to support operational costs to include 医疗保健计划s' clinical rotation fees and 指令al equipment.


延迟注册的开始日期每学期在校历上公布. Students who initiate their registrations on or after this published date will be charged a 逾期登记费 of $25. Students who have an active registration at the time that Late 登记 begins will not be assessed the 逾期登记费 if they add or modify their courses at a later time. 逾期注册费不予退还.

在下列情况下,学校教务处可免除学杂费:(1)因意外致残, certified by a physician; (2) a serious illness, certified by a physician; or, (3)超出学生控制范围的校园或学院功能, 比如校园关闭或管理系统出现问题.


Delaware Tech has partnered with Nelnet Business Solutions (NBS) as a way to increase affordability and access to education. The 分期付款计划 (the Plan) allows students to defer the cost of tuition and fees through a payment option that offers installment payments rather than in one-lump sum payment. 本计划于每学期注册日提供.

Enrollment into the Plan is only available for a limited time each semester (through the drop/add period); however, early enrollment is encour年龄d because the down payment amount is determined by the date on which the student signs up. 较早注册的结果是较低的首付和更多的分期付款, 这使得每月的付款负担得起.

注册课程后,您可以注册到 国家统计局分期付款计划 以较小的每月分期付款方式支付学费和杂费. 这些分期付款选项的具体时间表可通过登录计划获得. 如果您不希望参加本计划, 你可以亲自到商务办公室或学校交学费和杂费 在线支付.

学生及家长在报名前应仔细查阅有关本计划的资料. Nelnet商业解决方案是第三方, 支付计划协议是学生和NBS之间执行的,而不是特拉华理工大学.<

查看更多 分期付款计划常见问题解答 .


The College publishes payment deadlines in the 校历 to encour年龄 students to pay early so that they can increase affordability through the 分期付款计划. 在付款截止日期之前加入该计划,可以获得最便宜的每月付款选项. 如果学生没有在付款截止日期前付款, 特拉华科技不会删除注册, 学生仍然要负责支付.

A student account becomes delinquent when the student has not made payment in full to the College or has not enrolled in the 分期付款计划 by the second week of the semester. 当帐目拖欠时, 学院将对该账户进行财务冻结, 防止将来注册, 及相关服务. 在学期结束时仍然拖欠的账户被转到催收机构.


学生在入学时负责支付学杂费. 学院不会因学生未交学费而删除任何注册或取消任何课程. 另外, 未参加任何课程或未收到账单并不免除学生的经济责任. Students who do not plan to attend class(es) are responsible for officially dropping the course(s) to minimize their financial responsibility.


旷课不能免除学生对学校的经济责任. Students who do not plan to attend a class or 类 for which they are registered are responsible for officially dropping the course(s) during the tuition refund period to minimize the amount they owe. 学院不会因学生未付款而自动删除或退学.

收到学费/费用调整的课程放弃, 学生必须先正式退课(见退课/加课/退课程序). Students will not be charged any tuition or refundable fees (lab or technology support) for courses dropped before or during the first week of the session. Students will be responsible for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees for courses dropped during the second week of the session. 第二周之后, 学生可以正式退课, 但是学费/费用没有调整.

除非另有规定, 学生对正式撤销的课程承担100%的学杂费. 对于少于四周的课程,没有学费/费用调整期. Students enrolled in these courses on the first day of the session are responsible for 100% of the assessed tuition and fees. 以下费用不予退还:注册, 晚注册, 学生服务, 医疗保健计划, 审查信贷, 工作经验评估, 还有传递费.

除了以上, a student may request a hardship withdrawal when extraordinary circumstances arise that prevent the student from continuing their studies. 在特殊情况下,包括失去住房在内的困难撤离是合理的, 家庭中的死亡, 严重的身体伤害或疾病, 犯罪受害, 伤亡损失, 或者学生经历过的其他创伤性事件, 学生的配偶或同居伴侣, 或者他或她的直系亲属(包括继子女), 家庭伴侣的孩子, 姻亲或代父母.

请求艰难退出, 学生必须向学生事务主任办公室提出书面申请. 该请求必须包括其所依据的事实摘要和支持该请求的任何文件. 鼓励学生尽快向教务处报告遇到的困难. 如果需要,院长或其指定人员将协助学生准备请求.

所有困难退学申请将由校长任命的全校委员会审查. 该委员会将包括来自学生事务的代表, 指令, 业务服务, 金融援助, 和注册. 学生事务办公室主任将通过学院电子邮件帐户通知学生决定.

如果得到批准, the student will receive a "W" grade and 100% of the tuition and refundable fees will be credited to the student's account. 不可退还的费用和书店费用将不予退还. 经济援助是否已支付到学生的账户, 商务办公室将计算适当的信用额度. 如果学生在他们的帐户上有其他费用, 该抵免将适用于联邦财政援助条例允许的那些费用.

委员会的决定是最终决定. 而且不能上诉. 如果被拒绝,学生有责任支付所欠的所有学杂费.


通过评估先前的学习或工作经验来寻求大学学分的学生, 学生申请学分的每门课程将收取相当于一学分课程学费的费用, 从1993年秋季学期开始生效.


  • 考试费用学分
  • 额外的费用或对现有费用的变更将由校董会采取行动.

以上所有费用恕不退还. 所有学杂费都可以通过学生账户支付, 等待商务办公室对这些账目进行最终审计.

Students will be responsible for reimbursing the College for payments made to third parties on their behalf for charges such as online access for distance education courses, 电讯课程租金, 学生医疗事故保险, 等. 这些“过境费”不予退还.


All 金融援助 refunds are processed through NelNet via the Student Choice Refunds program as either a direct deposit or paper check. 要选择您希望如何收到退款,请登录 NelNet学生选择退款 程序,然后单击“管理退款”. 将首选付款方式设置为“直接存款”, 您需要输入您的银行信息(路由号码) & 账户号码). 除非另有说明,否则纸质支票将发送到特拉华理工大学存档的地址.